Sunday, May 9, 2010

Adv Beg Jazz Funk Class (Chio)

So I decided after taking the Beg Jazz Funk class with Chio that I would try the harder class the Adv Beg on April 17th. I felt a little hesitant since on the Broadway Dance Center website it says you should have between 5-8 years experience for the Adv Beg classes. Meanwhile I'm working on completing my 3rd year now. So I decided to take it anyway and I thought it was a ton of fun. I did feel that it was faster paced than the Beg class but I still managed to keep up and do well (in my opinion). One big difference that I did notice in this class was that we learned a whole lot more in the song than in the Beg class. At one point a girl had to leave the class because she passed out. I thought it was an intense class but not passing out intense. At one point when we were about to split in half and do it in groups I noticed a bunch of people randomly leaving. I was wondering what was going on like maybe they were too afraid to perform in groups? Then I realized they were leaving because Chio got out the video camera and wanted to tape it. When we were splitting into even smaller groups this woman in front of me asked me if I wanted to be in the front because she did not want to be in the video but I said I didn't want to. I feel that if I'm not going to look good in it then I don't want to be in it. I had a lot of fun with this combination. We did it to the LMFAO song Shooting Star (the remix). So here's the link to the combination we did! (

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