Wednesday, February 10, 2010

First Journal Entry

So today is Wednesday, February 10th and I am writing my first journal entry for my WISE journal. So this past weekend I made some plans that ended up working and some that unfortunately did not. Last week I had made detailed plans to go to a Broadway Dance Center (BDC) class in New York City. After I would go over to the Hyatt Hotel because the dance team at the studio I go to (A&E Dance Studio) was competing there. I planned out the train times and everything perfectly that it seemed like nothing could ruin the plans. I was waiting at the train ready for my friend to come and she was there but we missed the train due to her walking too slow to get to the train. So I was really angry because it wasn't just about her walking slowly to the train but because it involved other reasons. I was really excited to take this class too with Joanna Numata because I've heard about how she's an amazing dancer. I also found out that she had been in I Am Legend which I also thought was really cool. So then on Friday I ended up going to the Yorktown Stage for a concert and I noticed that there was a dance recital going on at the same time. So I went over there with my friend and we checked out the last 15-20 minutes of the recital. I'm not sure what studio's dance recital that was but I'm trying to find out because I'm really curious. So some of the dances I remember a jazz dance to That's Not My Name, a hip-hop dance to Thriller, two theatre dances to Legally Blonde and Grease, and then I remember the finale to Jai Ho. I remember thinking That's Not My Name was sort of messy and confusing. I liked their Thriller and when they jumped out into the crowd. My favorite part of the Legally Blonde dance was in one part where Elle is talking to her dog Bruiser and all of the girls (except the girl playing Elle) forms and pretends to be a dog. My favorite dance was definitely the Grease dance though I thought it was the best out of all that I had seen. The kids ages were around between 10-13 or so. Half of them were girls and the other half were dressed as boys. I was really impressed by how organized it was and by how much energy all of the dancers had. I found their finale to be different then ours but also entertaining. Our finales include us bowing in groups of 10 or so and then we all do a recital dance together. Their recital there was about 10 girls that would run out and do some kind of leap, turn, or a combination of moves. I was really amazed how they pulled it off and I found it to be really entertaining. Then on Saturday after not seeing the Jump Competition live I decided to check it out online. I found it to be really interesting and now I decided that I definitely want to go see one the the competitions live. That's basically it for my first WISE journal entry!